5 Easy Ways To Keep Your Grout Clean and Stain-Free

As important as tiles are for the home, the grout is equally important for tiles and grout cleaning the home. People then ignore the grout, and it not only results in future problems with tiles. Grout is essentially very important as it is the thing that keeps the tiles intact with each other. There are various types of grouts that are used to keep the tiles intact, some are highly porous but some are resistant to the water. Most of the time highly porous grouts are only used in tiling. The growth of mould, bacteria is also not that rare on the grout. So till the time you are not taking a brush and cleaning each and every tile of your property. Then it is important for you to take all the measures to keep your grout clean.


5 Easy Ways To Keep Your Grout Clean And Stain-Free

  • Scrubbing the grout

In case you do not have a proper brush for the scrubbing, then do not worry most of the hardware shops generally have one. So, you can just go and buy one. The grout cleaning brush is specially made for cleaning the grout only. All you need to do is just spray the warm water. And scrub the area in a circular motion and leave it to dry.

  • Spray the mixture of vinegar and lukewarm water

Are the stains on your grout a little mild? Or Is there a cloud of heavier dust? Then it is time for a spray made of equal parts of vinegar and warm water. All you need to do is fill up the spray bottle with a mixture of vinegar and water and spray it on the grout. Then you have to wait for 5 to 10 mins and then just scrub it with a stiff brush.

  • Make water and baking soda paste & spray vinegar too

If you feel that there is a need for more power to easily clean the grout & to remove stains. Then use baking soda paste water. Just cover the area with the water and baking soda and spray vinegar on it. Once the bubble stops forming foam you can just take a brush and scrub the area with it. After that rinse the area with water.

  • Use hydrogen peroxide

Even some of the moderate stains can give you a run. If none of the aforementioned tips and tricks work then it is time for using Hydrogen peroxide. It is easily available and you can find it at any drug store. You can either use the hydrogen peroxide directly or you can make a paste of the hydrogen peroxide & baking soda and apply it to the area followed by rinsing. 

  • Bring in bleach with a base oxygen for hard stains

This is the last option if nothing works and the stains are actually tough or the grout line is really really grimy then using an oxygen-based bleach as a cleaner for grout is the best option. Just apply the oxygen-based bleach on the stained or dirty area and leave the bleach for 10 to 15 mins. Then rinse the area with clean & freshwater.

  • Get Unmatched Grout Cleaning Service

Till the time you are not ready to spend your energy and time. While holding a toothbrush and cleaning the grout of your tile floor, till that time do not think of cleaning the grout by yourself. So, instead of spending a whole day cleaning each and every grout line hire City Carpet Cleaning Melbourne. We are experts and have years of experience and will finish the same job in a matter of time.

Moreover, our perfect tools and equipment also play a great role in providing you the best services for your couch. Moreover, our services are available at affordable rates and we are delivering services for 24*7. So, do not hesitate to give our company a call.

Is It Worth Investing In Upholstery Cleaning? Why Choose Professionals Over DIY?

Everyone has sofas, beds and furniture at their place. But the biggest threat to them is getting dirty or filthy. In such cases, upholstery plays a very important role at any place. “Professional Upholstery Cleaning” This is because it saves your couches, beds, furniture from dirt, stains and filth. Therefore, making them look good and increases their longevity. So, it is necessary to get the upholstery cleaned from time to time so as to save your furniture from dirt and stains.

Professional Upholstery CleaningProfessional Upholstery Cleaning

Is It Worth Investing In Upholstery Cleaning?

Yes, it is worth investing in upholstery cleaning. This is because of the following reasons:

  • Microbes Removal – Over a period of time the upholstery gets very dirty and filthy. Due to this some microbes start growing over the upholstery. Not only do they spread foul smell at the place but also can be very dangerous in terms of health.This is because they spread some deadly diseases and infections. Therefore, to get rid of such health issues, it is important to clean the upholstery within a particular period of time.
  • Nice Appearance – Sofas and other furniture makes the place look good and good to live in. So, people apply upholstery to protect them from dirt and filth. But over a period of time, dirt and filth starts depositing over the upholstery. This makes the upholstery look old and bad. And if one does not clean the upholstery, the dirt and stains become permanent. Therefore, it is important to clean the upholstery whenever it gets dirty or gets stains over it.
  • Bad Smell – Due to dirt, debris and other particles, the upholstery gets dirty. So, in most of the cases the upholstery acquires a very bad smell. This makes it very hard to live near that upholstery because of the foul smell. Also, if someone tries to fade the foul smell by some freshener, the smell becomes more pungent. Therefore, it is important to get the upholstery cleaned whenever it gets a foul.
  • Save Time and Money – Cleaning upholstery is not an easy task. It requires a lot of time to clean the upholstery effectively. Also, some high tech equipment along with some chemicals are necessary to clean the upholstery effectively. Therefore, it is good to invest in upholstery cleaning rather than cleaning by yourself. Not only will it save your money but will also save you valuable time.

Reasons For Choosing Professionals Over DIY?

It is very important to clean the upholstery effectively to get rid of the and effects of dirty upholstery. But upholstery cleaning service is not an easy job. It required a lot of patience along with high experience, high tech equipment and proper skills. Which a non professional person may not have. Therefore, it is good to go for professional help rather than DIY methods to clean the upholstery. Because professional help will give you better results of upholstery cleaning. 

Therefore, City Carpet Cleaning Melbourne is here to help you with the best and effective services for upholstery cleaning. So, call us not to book an upholstery cleaning service. Our services have a very high longevity along with the best quality. Additionally, all of the upholstery cleaning services provided by us are easily affordable.

Why Should You Hire An Expert Carpet Cleaner

When you are looking forward to having an expert carpet cleaner in your home, you can read the reviews of the locales who are around and then select the best one for your home. It is really important that you keep your carpets clean and in great condition. So, all you need to do is find the one who has good expertise and tell them to inspect the carpet and then take up the right solution. Here’s why you need an expert.

carpet cleaning treatment
carpet cleaning treatment
  1. You save good amount of your time and money

Time is money and if you spend too much time cleaning your carpets then this can have a lot of issues. So, you should take up the relevant solutions and perhaps this will be a great thing. You should hire the experts and they know how to keep the carpets clean and what solvents and carpet cleaning treatment to use. 

  1. Good indoor air quality

When you hire someone who can expertly clean the carpets, there will be better air quality inside your home. If there is too much dirt and dust accumulation on the carpet then the air quality will also get affected. So, keep an eye on the best solutions. By hiring an expert, you can make the indoor air quality good enough. This can therefore have a great effect on your health.

  1. They have the right level of expertise and experience

When you call these experts to clean the carpets you will see that they will be able to make the carpets great in every sense. So, with the level of experience and expertise there can be a perfect treatment for the carpets. They know what all things are best for your carpets.

  1. They make the carpet smell free

You might have seen that there are many homes who have some lingering smell due to carpets in the house. If you get these carpets cleaned then they will become amazing in every way and would get smell free. There are some special methods that these experts use and they include treatments like deodorizing the carpet. With the help of expert carpet cleaners you will be in the position to make your carpets great again. They will be refreshed and would look like a new one.

  1. The experts help to enhance the lifespan of your carpet

It is important to note that when you hire an expert carpet cleaner you will see that the tools and techniques that they use are quite new and modern. So, all you should do is find the relevant options that will give your carpets a perfect novel punch.


The above benefits would encourage you to have the best and reliable carpet cleaners in your home. This can be a perfect way to plan things. Clean carpets are a good sign of welcome and so people should always hire the carpet cleaning company to clean their carpets well. Get ahead and find the best and expert carpet cleaner. 

Bad Habits That Are Making Your Carpet, Mattress, Floor And Sofa Messy

We do a lot of things on the carpets, mattresses and sofas which can make them messy and dirty. We eat on them, sleep on them and do lots of other stuff. These habits can make the carpets dirty and messy. The food spills can be stubborn and difficult to remove sometimes. There are many ways to get rid of these stains and spills. Read this blog to get information about all the bad habits that are making your carpet, mattress, floor and sofa messy.

Bad Habits That Are Making Your Carpet Mattress Floor And Sofa Messy
  1. Sleeping on The Sofa- Sometimes we sleep on the sofa due to many reasons. But we don’t realise this can make the sofa messy. This can ruin the fabric and also can ruin the beauty of the sofa. This is one of the bad habits that is making your sofa messy.
  2. Eating And Drinking On Couch And Sofa- We eat and drink a lot of things on the couch and sofa which later results in stains and bad odour. This can be nasty sometimes as the stains can become stubborn and permanent. We need to take care of the sofa while eating and drinking on it. This habit can cause damage to your sofa fabric. 
  3. Allowing Pets On Your Sofa And Mattress- Pets play a major role in messing with the sofa and the mattress. They can tear the fabric and can also form stains on the sofa and also the mattress. We should take care and train our pets to save our mattresses and sofas from getting damaged. This is one of the bad habits that are making your carpet, mattress, floor and sofa messy.
  4. Irregular And Improper Cleaning- We need to make sure that we clean our carpets, mattress and sofa regularly. Regular cleaning can be helpful in keeping the carpets, mattresses and sofa safe and increase their lifespan. Due to irregular cleaning these sofas, mattresses and carpets can become messy. 
  5. Insects And Rodents- We should get regular pest control service for our house. Insects and rodents can damage a lot of things in our house including carpets, sofas and mattresses. These insects can also bring a lot of diseases along with the damage. Get regular pest control service for your house. This is one of the bad habits that make your carpet, mattress, floor and sofa messy. 
  6. Walking Barefoot- Walking barefoot on carpets and jumping on a mattress can damage the fabric of carpets and mattresses. This can also increase the risk of tearing the mattress or sofa. The dirt present on our feet can result in the formation of stains. We must avoid this type of activity on the carpets and mattresses. 
  7. Spills And Stains- There are many types of spills and stains. It can be food spills and other spills that can damage the carpets and mattresses and can make it really messy. There are even some stains that are very stubborn and tough, such stains sometimes result in complete damage to the fabric of the sofa and carpets. 

Book Experts For Home Cleaning And Improvement

We at City Carpet Cleaning Melbourne provide the best cleaning services across Melbourne. Our cleaning techniques are the latest and most effective for removing any type of stains and spots from the carpets, mattresses and sofa.

Our cleaning staff will also provide DIY cleaning tips that can be useful for you to keep your carpets, sofas and mattresses clean without any damage. We have the best cleaning staff. Give us a call today to get the best professional mattress cleaning services.